Tuesday, July 27, 2010

San Diego (Doesn't that mean Saint Diego? No no, I don't think so)

For all three of our readers, you're going to like this post. Why? Because it's full of pictures and everybody knows that's why anyone looks at anyone else's blog really.

We just spent a week in San Diego with the Storey side of the fam. Like any normal family vacation it had it's highs and lows (mostly highs). The lows included sting ray stings, food poisoning, delayed planes, and overcast skies. That's right, the first day at the beach, fifteen minutes into body surfing (or trying to at least), Elliott stepped on a sting ray. It got him right between the toes. Because of the record low temperatures in San Diego last week, the sting rays make their way closer to the shore to soak up a few extra rays. Can you blame them? No. But it definitely made us more hesitant to fully enjoy the waves. After the ray had done it's damage, we didn't go back into the water without a body board to float on. Well, after a long hot tub session and another in the bathtub (hot water apparently neutralizes the venom so nicely left behind by the ray) , Elliott was back in action. The youngest one in the family, Nick, ate a bad sandwich and spent the first night throwing up (always a great experience when sharing one hotel room) and we quickly learned to stay away from certain foods at the hotel.

The clouds decided to spend our vacation with us for the first three days but finally cleared out for the last two (and yes, you can still get sunburned on a cloudy day). Regardless, the temperature was great the whole week and we got some great body boarding in. We played tennis almost every morning and found some great restaurants around town. (We found a great pizza place called the Village Pizzeria. They had the best Napoli pizza we have ever had (so good we went back a second time). If you're heading over to San Diego check it out: {http://www.nadolife.com/villagepizzeria/index.html}

We went to the Air and Space Museum in Balboa park. They had planes from WWI, WW2, and more. Elliott knew what most of them were called and what they were used for.

Elliott and Nick rode the flight simulator. This thing was crazy. It could spin in any direction.

We hadn't boogie boarded for years and we both fell in love with it all over again (next step: learn how to surf):

This was not the only jelly fish found on the beach/in the water. The little boy boarding close to us got stung. Probably by this one. It washed up on the shore and then made it's escape back into the water.
Many sand castles were made:

We had a great time. Thanks mom and dad!

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