Monday, May 7, 2012


We have two Peggys in our lives. The more established Peggy is the secretary turned copy writer on Mad Men. We love that show and get together with friends to watch it every Sunday night.

We've only known second Peggy for a week or so. She's the pigeon who has decided to park her nest on our porch hidden behind a shovel that rests against the wall. For a few days before we noticed then nest, whenever we would walking up or down our stairs, we would get a pigeon frantically flying in our face. It wasn't until a few days later that we noticed the small twig nest with a small white egg resting in the middle:

It's been fun watching Peggy come and go, come and go, then rest her big chest on her egg. I wonder how long it takes for a pigeon egg to hatch? We're worried about the cats that hang around the house and that they might not be able to resist a baby bird. So naturally, Elliott and I have been talking about how to build something around the nest to protect Peggy's little girl/boy. Peggy's been a very good mom (or dad? Who knows). She's spent so much time on that egg. 
She's hard to see in this picture but she's between the shovel and the wall.

We didn't see her all morning so hopefully all the foot traffic hasn't scared her away.

When we weren't watching Peggy, we made vanilla cupcakes with mango butter cream and had a delicious Sunday dinner of course (Salmon and turkey burgers).

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