Wednesday, May 2, 2012

That's It

Elliott has written his last piece for the Chrony. I wish he would just get on here an tell you (and future us) about it, but my thoughts will have to do. This has been a great experience for Elliott. It has had it's frustrating moments of course, but he's made some good friends and overall I think he's had a great time. If you want to read his farewell column, it's HERE!

Last night, Elliott picked me up from work and we went to a local book shop, The King's English, (which is so cute and quaint) for a book signing. The speaker and author was Wayne Pacelle, president and C.E.O of the Humane Society of the United States. They do so much cool stuff for animals. I was in heaven to say the least. I bought his book and am excited to read it (I just have to get started...of which I have a horrible track record). Afterwards, Elliott and I went to dinner at Mazza, just a few doors down from King's English. It was a fantastic night.

Giant picture of my face waiting for Elliott to pick me up:

Wayne Pacelle:

The Kings English:

Dinner at Mazza:
As much as it can be summer for two working people, it's now officially summer. Or at least it feels like it. Elliott is done with the Chrony, took his scuba diving final, and I'm done with the GRE (which felt like a final).

On to summer!

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