Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Staying up all night

When I was younger one of my favorite things to do was stay up and read into the early morning. I also loved to spend all of Sunday reading as my mom cooked. I loved it. I was mostly reading or rereading Harry Potter or the Limeny Snicket series but I also enjoyed Roald Dahl and the books I had to read for my high school english classes.

Well, as school, work, and roommates have filled most of my hours for the past few years, I have  not done this in a long long time. Last night, without any intent to do so, I read an entire book (save 30 pages from the day before). I just could not put it down. I felt like I was reading Harry Potter again (although still not quite as good). The book was The Hunger Games which I had been hearing about for months now. Elliott finally bought it and I snatched it up immediately.

I'm writing this post to 1. Give my approval of the book (it just might keep you up until 3:30 in the morning) and 2. Mostly just to remind myself in the future how much I like reading. I always wonder what I'll think of my posts from my 20's when I come back to them years down the road.

Today I might just go out and buy the second book in the series?

1 comment:

  1. I am on the third book now. It's pretty intense...where are you living now?
