Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Staying up all night

When I was younger one of my favorite things to do was stay up and read into the early morning. I also loved to spend all of Sunday reading as my mom cooked. I loved it. I was mostly reading or rereading Harry Potter or the Limeny Snicket series but I also enjoyed Roald Dahl and the books I had to read for my high school english classes.

Well, as school, work, and roommates have filled most of my hours for the past few years, I have  not done this in a long long time. Last night, without any intent to do so, I read an entire book (save 30 pages from the day before). I just could not put it down. I felt like I was reading Harry Potter again (although still not quite as good). The book was The Hunger Games which I had been hearing about for months now. Elliott finally bought it and I snatched it up immediately.

I'm writing this post to 1. Give my approval of the book (it just might keep you up until 3:30 in the morning) and 2. Mostly just to remind myself in the future how much I like reading. I always wonder what I'll think of my posts from my 20's when I come back to them years down the road.

Today I might just go out and buy the second book in the series?

Oh, and can I please tell you how awesome the Erasure concert was? Not to say I'm in love with their music, they have some good song but mostly because of the performance. I had no previous picture of what the band was like (i.e. number of band members, age, etc) so when I first saw them I just started laughing. Out walks a man in a sparkly red jacket, a spartan helmet, and tight black pants and was joined by two female back up singers. I couldn't tell at first, but once that helmet and jacket came off it was obvious, the lead singer was flamboyantly gay. Oh, he was so entertaining with his dancing and  his faces, and his english accent. I very much enjoyed myself. Especially when he had one of his band members cut of his corset-like vest so he could replace it with a Michael Jackson T. Thanks dad for the entertaining night!

This might give you a better idea:

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