Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dog Lake

Yesterday we hiked dog lake. It was perfect fall weather with blue skies, fluffy white clouds, and changing colors in the tress. I hope I never forget how beautiful Salt Lake falls are. Every time we do something in the mountains (hiking, mountain biking, skiing, picnic) I wonder why I don't do them more. It's all only a 15 minute drive away.... I don't think I'll ever live in a place with so many great things to do so close again.

On the hike: my parents, two uncles, two aunts, and one cousin. Elliott hung out with Nick and they watched college football and went to lunch. They also went to the Utah football game last night which turned out to be a giant disappointment. I went shopping with my mom....
I want to hold on to the weather we had yesterday for the next three months....We'll probably have at least one snow storm in the next month in a half. 

I love fall!

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