Friday, March 25, 2011

Why is it snowing??

Song of the Day:

It was looking like spring in SLC the past few days, but today we woke up to a snow storm. When you've lived here for a while it's not longer a surprise. Sometimes it will snow into May. It's very pretty when everything is white... but we're ready for summer here people.

Spring break has been pretty uneventful, but an awesome break. Only 6 more weeks of school! Elliott and I will both be taking summer classes. We will still get to walk for graduation in may though. We're going to have a huge graduation party and Elliott's parents are going to be coming up from Arizona.

We can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hate the snow!! I am so ready for the summer!! Only 6 wks of school, thats sooo nice!
