Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Soundtrack lately

(Taking Mollie for a drive)

You know how different periods of your life have specific soundtracks? Like the music you were in love with and listened to with your friends, family, or just by yourself. This song is from my current soundtrack. Love it.

Elliott using his computer in his sleep. He's so talented!

Making an In-n-Out run with little bro and teaching him how to drive for the very first time (yeah I get to be that super cool sister that takes him driving when his parents won't.)

Waking up to a snow storm:

And last but definitely not least:
Beth walked around school the entire day with an extra pair of undies in her pants (not planned)
I hope nobody noticed a little extra padding in my butt

Only two more months of school! 
I finished my phlebotomy class, all I have to do now is stick someone with a needle 15 more times (probably Elliott and my friend Julia) and I'm good to go and do it in real life.
Kind of scary.
I'm over winter and ready for the sun to come out so we can:
Ride bikes
Rock climb
Go on vacation!

Life is good. 
I wouldn't ask for one thing more.

1 comment:

  1. mmmm in and out. i wish i lived closer to one. Loved the part about undies in your pants =) haha!
