Monday, January 31, 2011

The Bus

The bus has been a new experience for me this semester. I started out at the U of U driving to campus, moved to my bike, then to Trax, and now to the bus. Elliott drops me off every morning at the physics building and I make my way home on the bus.

There's always some interesting people on the bus, but it's nice to just be able to enjoy the ride without having to pay attention to all the traffic. I get incredibly sick of driving anyways. Today was beautiful. The snow was swirling up and down and around in the air. It was so light and the sun came out every once in a while. The mountains looked like they were getting a nice fresh layer and as I sat waiting for the bus to come, I dreamed of being in those mountains. Skiing, hiking, sitting. If you can't tell, I'm feeling distracted this last semester of school. I want to be working with nights and weekends free of homework, I want to go on trips, I want to sleep outside under the stars. I want to do anything but class five days a week! But I'm going to push through and make it so we can do those things later.

The bus came today and I took my seat. I like to look at the houses we pass and see what I like and what I don't. There's a guy in front who's looking back at me. My thought process went something like this. The snow is so beautiful. That guy is staring at me. I'm really hungry. That guy is still staring at me. I have so much homework. Guy with no teeth, please stop staring at me. I don't want to go to work. Guy with no teeth pleeeeeeease stop staring at me. I'm almost home. Ok that guys is now sticking his tongue out at me. Time to get off the bus.

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