Thursday, February 3, 2011


The past few days, when the day feel like it's stretching on and on and I'm at work or at school, I think of two things to get me through.

1. My new bright orange down Stoic sleeping back from Steep and Cheap (such a good deal).

2. The story Elliott told me the other night about the study participant he was interviewing at work. The guy kept calling Elliott...Ernie. When I heard that I burst out laughing. I don't know why I thought that was so funny, but I kept picturing the guy saying Ernie, Ernie, Ernie over and over again and the look I picture on Elliott's face when he calls him that. I asked him if he laughed when he made the mistake. He said, "No, at the time it wasn't very funny. The guys a bipolar schizophrenic. I guess it's funny now though." And we both laughed together. 

This afternoon I am going to my service learning site for my capstone class this semester. We're going to play with one of those giant parachutes. Remember those from elementary school? I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited.

I have a physics test tomorrow, so come Friday, Ernie and I will get to spend some quality time together.

1 comment:

  1. those parachutes are awesome. I always wanted to do that for gym class, but my teacher would rarely pull it. Enjoy it for me.
