Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Last night it snowed. And this morning was one of those morning where everything seems so peaceful and white and clean, especially walking around campus at the U. Sadly (or not so) it's already starting to melt, but it was a great preview for what's coming! I love the snow.

Favorite snow activities:

Sitting inside while it's snowing
Talking a walk while it's snowing

Yeah yeah, I know. Cliche, right? But they never get old.

I fear the day when we move somewhere without snow... If this happens, I hope it is short lived.


  1. Funny. I hate the snow accept at Christmas time.

    So, I forgot to respond to your blog question until now...

    It's a bit tricky messing around with the blog backgrounds, but you here's what my settings are:

    Go to the design tab.
    choose "edit html"
    scroll down to the bottom
    you'll see old templates

    click "select layout templates"

    Choose Minima stretch.
    then it'll give you all the old blogger layouts.

  2. Cool!! Glad it worked.

    A few more pointers for ya..

    Go to
    Design Tab
    Template Designer
    Advanced tab {top left side}

    You can then alter the colors of links, post titles, and fonts. Also if want to hide the big box around the title photo {with apples} just choose white for the border color.

    Hope this helps. I'm always changing these things up, because the template itself is pretty boring {i'm assuming that's why they went with the new template designs}
