Saturday, October 23, 2010

And the world is b-e-a-utiful

Last week we went on a pint sized trip during our fall break. I'm writing about it a week later because we've been so busy this week with school and work and we've been doing school work in all of our spare time (not an exaggeration). I think we were more ready for the weekend than we have ever been (at least I was). So today we slept in and now I'm laying in the bed finally writing this post.

Back to the trip... we drove down to St. George on Thursday and met up with some of our friends. Besides hitting up our favorite SG restaurants (Jazzy Java, Pizza Factory) we got to model for pictures for our friend who is taking a photography class. It was really fun going into the studio. 
 (Finally figured out how to make pictures bigger....)

I think Elliott's turned out better than mine, but that's just because he's extremely photogenic (especially with that beard. He got asked to model for an art class just because of it).

We made our way over to Zions National Park with a few friends for some camping/hiking/taking photos. We decided to go the cheap way and camp at Kolob Resevoir which ended up being the best choice we made. It was free (Zion is not) and I think we hit it at the best time of the year (minus the extra large mud puddles on the road. One of which we got stuck in and only got out of with the help of some fellow campers.) The trees were in their peak of changing color and we were all blown away. It's hard to capture the true colors in a picture but we sure tried...a lot.

(I thought this picture was cool. I took it when we were driving, which explains the blur)

(Hiking in Zion, cameras in hand)

Our friend A.J. came with us and snapped some great shots:

The trip was a lot of fun and it was so good to get away. We love Utah and all the outdoor activities here. I didn't even know that Kolob Reservoir existed. It's amazing what can be hiding just a few hours away.

Last night we went and saw Inception (again) in the dollar theatre. What a great movie. One for the movie shelf in the future. (I think we both have a crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt)

Today, it is raining (a lot). When we were at the movie last night we saw this Sour Patch commercial. Try and watch it without laughing. 

and these others are a few of our favorites too:


Hope you think they're as funny as we do!


  1. cool photos guys! kolob is rocking with color!

  2. Great pictures Beth!!! Elliot looks good in his pics.. BUT so do you, your super photogenic beth!!!
