Thursday, October 28, 2010

Free time

Free time, what is that again? I feel like neither of us have it anymore (except the rare occasion Elliott got to go to the Dr. Dog concert last night...I stayed home and did homework like a person who needs to raise the GPA and ace this weeks test). 

I have one test a week for the next three weeks, then a two week test free period, and then one more test, and then finals. Finals?? Where has this semester gone? It's mostly been spent in class and on homework for us both but we've found time to:

Catch up to and finish all the Mad Men seasons.
Go on a sweet trip down south.
Cook (last night's dinner: margarita pizza...mmmmm...)
See Inception twice
Go grocery shopping (very important)

(I just found this picture of Elliott. It's from around when we started dating. He looks so young)

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