Friday, May 14, 2010

What has made up the last year and a half

Sunday is our anniversary which is super weird because it doesn't feel like it's been a year since we got married. None the less, it's been a great year here in salt lake and we've done so much stuff. I hadn't realized how much we had done until I sat down and looked through pictures. It all started with:

Fixing up a tandem bike:

Making it official:

And then we went to California:

Helped plant flowers for our wedding:

Got married:

Went on a moon in Hawaii:

Were frequent fans at the Real soccer games:

Went to Arizona to visit the Bueler side of the family (hot)

Got cool shirts (and Elliott grew a beard)

Elliott shaved his beard (and left a nasty mustache for a day)

And had our first Xmas together in our little little apartment and our shedding tree:
(and we both gave each other the same thing, on accident)

(and the tree is STILL in the kind of fits in though with the overgrown weeds)

And after all this, I still love this boy:

Happy 1 year el!

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