Saturday, May 29, 2010

New and Familiar

Last week we were lucky enough to be able to go to two great places: New Orleans and Moab. New Orleans was a NEW for us both, and Moab was a first for Elliott (when it comes to hiking) but more FAMILIAR for me. The south is very different than what we're both used to, but New Orleans was a cool city. You would never guess that it had been hit by Katrina (although we did see the effects of the oil spill. There was a bird on the street covered in oil). While in the city:

Elliott attended three days of conferences for work
Beth learned how to watercolor
We experienced Burbon Street and all the crazies
We found great restaurants (which served the best pork chops and creme brulee we've ever had)
Soaked our feet in the city fountain
Watched steam boats on the Mississippi
Ate bignets

Elliott on the trolley:
Amazing climbing trees:

French Quarter:

We landed in Salt Lake on Sunday and immediately got into the car and drove to Moab. We did three hikes in two days: Fiery Furnace, Delicate Arch, and the Devils Garden.

Fiery Furnace:

A perfect place to explore slot canyons:

Turned out to be a perfect hiking day, we love hiking in the desert:

One of many arches on the Devils Garden trail:

On top of Double O Arch:

Elliott found some rocks that looked exactly like a toilet, and elliott being elliott, couldn't resist doing this:

Hidden petroglyphs:

Great day for Delicate Arch:

These trips were so much fun and provided a much needed break from work. I already can't wait to go back to Arches!

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