Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good things come to those who wait

I was driving home from work yesterday. The same drive I've been making every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since October. I had forgotten my iPod which can make for a very boring drive so I turned to the radio. Lately, thanks to Elliott, NPR is my station of choice but it was on commercial, and so were the rest of my preset stations which play a good song every once in a while if I'm lucky enough to catch it. Preset station #6 was the only station that wasn't on commercial. The only problem was the song that was on is not usually in my repertoire of bands. It was Miley Cyrus': It's the climb. I was about to turn it off but had been sitting at my desk in silence for the past couple of hours at work, so I turned it down to a dull hum and decided to wait it out. Immediately after the song had ended (so quickly might I add that is almost seemed that it had cut into the end of the Cyrus song..well done d.j., well done) another came on. And this time, it was actually one of my favorites: With or without you by U2. I grew up listening to U2 because my dad is an avid fan. I immediately turned it up and sang along.

So why share this story? Well, I guess sometimes we all need a reminder every now and then. And this was one of mine. Sometimes, you have to sit through a Miley Cyrus song to get to a U2 song and sometimes, you make sacrifices now in order to make things better in the future. Sometimes, I want to just pick up and go experience something new, but other commitments such as school and work prevent that from happening. But those things are the things that will make life better in the future. And we're lucky to have them in our life at this moment.

Even though it's hard, living in the moment and enjoying the journey is always better than living in the past or the future and never being truly happy with what you have right now. So here's to right now and new bright green spring trees and summer and trying to find the right job and grades and good food and upcoming trips and family and learning new things and being content (as seen on Elliott's face in the above picture. One boy very content with his 30$ sleeping bag purchase)

Speak of content, my friend Julia and I made one of the best deserts I've ever had the other day. It's a cinnamon chip bunt cake. Sour cream+butter+sugar+cinnamon = a happy mouth. Check it out. It's easy and quick to make:

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