Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Life In Pictures

I wish I could capture life in words as well as I do in pictures. I'm hardly saying that I am a good photographer (because I'm not), but taking a pictures is so much easier than painting one with words. Elliott has the gift of words. Many of my friends do too. I read their posts and leaving feeling... kind of magical. I think this is something I will try to improve on, because I don't want to be a blogger (and I kind of hate that word) blog writer who just lists what we do. A..B..C..D. I want to come back to these posts years down the road and be able to re experience the joy, sadness, beauty, change that fills our days.

And lately most of those feelings have been joy. Elliott and I  feel that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. We commonly talk about how we love our city and how lucky we feel to have friends and family to share it with. We've really lucked out as far as friends go- both those we have met through our church and those we have not. I don't think we will ever be this lucky again so we are enjoying it while it lasts. 

There are two friends that we have particularly become close with. The first time we hung out we invited them over for dinner. We were all newly weds- we all got married within three weeks of each other and moved into the ward on the same day. We even went on the same honeymoon as one of the couples- they left Kauai the day we arrived. Anyway, the dinner had the normal awkwardness that comes along with trying to make new friends. It was more formal and full of get-to-know you conversation. Three years later- almost to the day- we laid on our empty apartment floor with the same friends with pillows and blankets watching Mad Men and joked about what our kids will look like, among other things. It was very fitting, very informal. They were the first and last people we really had in our old apartment, and it was a great send off. We usually never end up planning anything with each other but end up hanging out until 10 or 11 at night. Last night was an impromptu movie we decided to go to 30 minutes before it started. They grabbed treats and picked us up, and we didn't get back until 1:00. 

I know I've said this before, but the older I get the more I enjoy simple things. Now I do not mean that I do not like adventure and spontaneity, because I love them both. But walks with the dog, feet in the stream, sun going down, cooking, long conversations.... they seem to fill me up more than anything else. I guess a little more camping wouldn't hurt.

But since I am still working on my words, here is life in pictures:

Mollie's favorite spot in the house::: Cool spring river:::Mollie conquering her fear of water::: Mollie staring down the water moments before::: Summer walks:::Last pictures shows effect of dental work and a numb face.

We took on a local hike a few weeks ago: Bell Canyon Reservoir. There was a one mile up hill surprise at the end of the trail but the view was worth it, the waterfall was beautiful and refreshing.
Memorial Day hike: Bell Canyon Reservoir::: Planted pots

I found and tried a new recipe that's definitely a keeper: Creamy Avocado Pasta. It seriously is the bomb and super easy to make, and really healthy too! In other news, I finally finished my quilt after two years of procrastination. It was a lot of fun and I already want to make another.

And finally, we went to the Bon Iver concert. Man, that guy can tap into your emotions and make you feel pretty dang good. Highlight? When he played Re:Stacks. One of those songs that is amazing, but is even better live.

P.S. to future self: Remember when you followed The Rockstar Diaries? (mostly because she has such good taste) You especially liked this post  about siblings and want to remember it.

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