Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Costco Is Dangerous and Other Things

First things first: Elliott and have have been married for 3 years now. 3 years. It has gone by so quickly. I look at our friends who just got married and it's hard to remember that we were there not long ago. We have yet to really do anything amazing to celebrate other than going out to breakfast and exchanging gifts. Elliott had a softball game that night and we both worked all day. All day. Elliott's gifts to me are the ones in the picture above- he's always creative- In the needs box was a new battery for my laptop (which was very much needed after going a few months without one) and in the wants was new Sperrys (which are always very much wanted). He also made me a rad card.

For him: transcription software for his computer so he doesn't have to spend hours and hours transcribing interview tape and also this poster that I designed. (Can you tell I think his show is awesome? Two radio presents?) The first thing he said when he opened the poster, however, was "Do you know that the arc is spelled with a K?" He then quickly corrected himself and made me feel good for spending so much time on it. I don't know how I messed that up considering I put the logo on his shirt which obviously has the K.

We also have been working on this print for my dad (this is the building his office is in)

We are now completely moved out of our old place and move into to our new one. We're in that stage where we have to go though all the boxes full of miscellaneous crap we randomly threw into boxes at the end. It took way longer and was more exhausting than we originally thought- we started 2 weeks ago with painting our new place and only just finished cleaning the dungeon (old place) on Saturday. And I'm telling you, we left that place spotless- unlike when Elliott moved in 4 years ago. We haven't had much time for anything else but we have been able to squeeze a few things in: Walks with Mollie in the glen, ducks, and Mollie and her pudge rolls.
My not-so-little brother took an AP test last week. He left this note on the fridge for my parents to see. I thought it was funny.

During the painting process where every color we chose looked different on the wall. But it actually might have turned out better than we planned.

New place: Love that tree and the big windows.

View down the street (notice the gelato shop on the corner?) Blessing and a curse, but mostly a blessing.

And not enough of this:

We are not lucky enough to be Costco members but we swiped my mom's card the other day and ran down to grab a few things. Usually, people in their right mind avoid the place on Saturdays as it can become quite the zoo. I'm glad we didn't use our better judgement because we got to see first hand someone else who didn't either.

Ever seen/heard of the show parking wars? Well I think they could do a spin-off just on Costco parking lots. Costco Wars. Man, people really fight for those spots (even when where are plenty open in the lot just 30 yards further). So we were stuck in a typical situation: people were loading their 80 roll toilet paper packs, 6 cans of peanut butter, and probably a new trampoline that they didn't intend to buy into their car, so naturally when you see someone loading, that means they will be leaving within the next 5 minutes. Totally worth the wait.... right? :0. So the car in front of us decides to wait. A few minutes pass and the other car pulls out. Now this is the kind of parking spot where you can pull in from either side. So yes, you guessed it, another care swiped the spot from the other side. The car in front of us started to back up- obviously so she could get out of the car and chew out the thief. As she was in reverse, she opened her door and stepped out of her car- while it is still moving. She immediately hits the ground and the car is driving over her. She is now running herself over with her own car. It was the weirdest thing we've seen in a long time so at first we didn't know what was happening. It looked like the passenger somehow was able to put the car in park, but not before it was resting on the woman's left leg while her right leg was still pinned in the door. So basically she was doing the splits like she's never done the splits before.

We ran over and she was screaming to help her.  A bunch of people came to her aide, someone called an ambulance, and we lifted the car off of her and dragged her out. We left because there were plenty of witnesses and we didn't feel needed but apparently the first thing she said after "I'm alright" was something about how that person stole her parking spot. She just ran herself over with her own car while she was driving and she is still complaining about the parking spot. 

Costco Wars. I'm telling you. Things happen there.

Talk about being your own worst enemy.

P.S. I'm submitting my grad school apps this week- what a relief

1 comment:

  1. Whoa.. People are so WEIRD about parking spots. Like dude, get your lazy but out and walk. You could've been in the store by the time you waited for someone. On the flip side, Trader Joes' parking lot is THE WORST. It's tiny, it's usually raining, there's zero street parking, and so I end up waiting FOREVER just to find a spot at all. Sheesh.. :)

    And crazy you guys have been married THREE years. That's nuts!

    Can't wait to hang out!
