Monday, March 19, 2012

Most of the Weekend

I don't think it's uncommon for people to try to make the most of their weekend. We are among those people, but it doesn't always happen. Sometimes, all we want to do is relax and watch movies. Sometimes, all we have to do is clean and do our heaping pile of dishes. Other times, we go out and do really cool stuff.

This weekend was one of those weekends. Friday night we went to a wedding reception and then went and saw the artist at The Broadway (by ourselves). It was a great little date accompanied by chocolate covered raisins and chocolate covered pretzels (which I almost ate a whole bag by myself). The movie was amazing. We left very satisfied and repeating to each other that we haven't seen a movie that good for a while. I went into the movie with lowered expectations because really, how good can a silent movie be? I was definitely proved wrong. We often rate movies based on if we want to add it to our movie collection. This one made the cut.

Saturday morning we slept in, ate breakfast, and then took off for Park City. We  I did a little shopping at the outlet stores and we grabbed lunch before we drove to Strawberry Reservoir for our first.. kite boarding lesson! This was Elliott's gift for Christmas and we finally booked it for Saturday. It was super windy and overcast, but we still had a ton of fun learning how to fly the kites. I definitely underestimated the power of the wind, which threw both Elliott and I on our faces a time or two. We didn't get to jump on our skis or board this lesson, but if we decided to try again, which we probably will, we get to go for it.

After our lesson we sped home and changed for the Real game. It was the home season opener vs. the New York Red Bulls (who have their fair share of arrogant and annoying players). There was an 80% chance of rain and high winds, neither which decided to make an appearance. We lucked out fo sho.

Sunday we did our Sunday things (church, trying to entertain/teach ten 3-year-olds, sunday dinner, season finale of the Walking Dead). For dinner we made pizza on the grill. Four of them. They were tasty. For dessert we passed around a pint of Ben and Jerry's pistachio ice cream until it was gone.

This week is going to be a good one. I can tell. Thursday, the new shopping center City Creek opens just a few blocks from our house. Friday night we have tickets for the midnight showing of The Hunger Games. Sunday, after a very very long absence, Mad Men returns on AMC. This is one of our favorite shows on TV.  We will have to wait until Monday to watch though, we have tickets for a house show played by David Bazan. We went to his last one in Salt Lake. It was amazing. (I feel like I use amazing/awesome a lot. I need new adjectives. That's where Elliott comes in. Ahem).
Other than wanting to squeeze in one more ski day, I'm ready for spring! I want to:

Camp a lot, a lot
Canyon BBQs
Wear shorts
Go swimming
Go hiking (with Mollie. She needs to lose about 6 lbs. Yeah, only about 20% of her body weight, no big deal)
Try trail running?
Go to as many Real games as our wallet will let us
Go to California for Disneyland/Magic Mountain/Santa Monica therapy

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. that's a weekend! Graham's been dying to try out kite boarding FOREVER. There's a great river here that is supposed to be the bomb for river kite boarding. Hopefully he can get a chance at it soon. ;)

    And we loved The Artist. Big time shocker for us too. It was just so freaking charming. :)

    Oh, and we can't wait to see The Timbers aniliate RSL at the end of this month. We're stoked!
