Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Evanston Wedding Weekends

 I go through blogging ups and downs. I'll be really into it for a week or two and blog like a maniac, and then I'll not want to blog for a while (like lately). We've been having fun here lately. Last weekend I went skiing, for the first time this season. It was a perfect Utah spring skiing day, finally. This winter has been a total let down as far as skiing goes. But on the up side, we've had really nice weather lately, as in temps in the 60's. The mountains are still covered with snow and it's beautiful here right now. We haven't had an inversion for about a month now which is a sign that spring is coming.

Daily goodies ^
 Mollie is notorious for hiding her bones. She goes off and hides them everwhere: outside, under chairs, in her bed (in which she tries to dig a hole, it's hilarious), and apparently (as you can see above, in dirty laundry). I decided to follow her this time to see where she was going to put her prized possession. After about a minute of me following her around the house, she became agitated, sped up, and tried to lose me. I was able to follow her into the closet without her noticing and snapped this picture.

She went back and got it out to chew on about one minute later.

I finished another pillow. This one is for my grandma. It's the condo she spent many years in. I have so many fond memories of going over and swimming in her pool. I think all of my family, cousins included, have had at least one birthday party there. She hasn't been feeling well lately and I'm hoping this will cheer her up.
 Big Deal: my little brother Nick turned 16 a few weeks ago. We all know what this means: drivers license. It's bitter sweet. I kind of enjoyed him calling me to ask for rides everywhere, but he's a free man now. He's still in that stage where driving is really cool and he wants to do it all the time. Just wait a few years Nick... You'll wonder why you ever felt that way. Especially when gas prices are high.

Anyways, I made him this little stuffed animal for his birthday. It's his favorite character from his favorite cartoon. He carries around a little backpack. Funny.

On Thursday morning, Elliott grabbed me and we drove up to Evanston, WY to get some fireworks for our friend Aaron's bachelor party. It was a nice little drive and fun to spend some time together before we got too busy again.

Knowing how these bachelor parties go, on the way home I told Elliot to be careful. I don't want you to come back with burns I told him. Saturday morning (the day after the party) I ask him how it went and he rolls over in bed and shows me his arm which has a good sized burn on the bicep. Apparently one of the roman candles narrowly missed his face and hit him in the arm, almost lighting his jacket on fire. He ended up inhaling a ton of smoke and almost passed out from lack of oxygen. I told him I told you so. I'm just glad he didn't end up in the ER. The groom also got hit, in the face. Luckily he walked away burn free.
Drive to Evanston ^
And that's what we've been up to. We have a kite skiing lesson this weekend, and I couldn't be more excited.

Other news: we used our gym pass last night for the first time since we've got it. Also, I was at the Maliheh clinic drawing blood this morning. When I put the needle in one man's arm, he gave me the "I hate you look". I've never had that before. It wasn't funny at the time, but now it kind of is.

1 comment:

  1. that sushi looks bomb. love the firework story! (i can totally picture aaron and e doing such shenninaghans.)

    where are you applying for PA programs this year? anywhere in our neck of the woods? :)
