Sunday, January 15, 2012


This weekend we are in sunny St. George. We are enjoying the 55 degree weather and the sunshine. We got to catch up with friends, meet new ones, and spend time with brother Alex and niece Bailey. Yesterday we went climbing:

I'm definitely out of climbing shape. Let's be honest, just out of shape in general. We're going to get a climbing pass to Momentum so that when the weather shapes up, we will be able to do more than 3 climbs each.

Pictures were taken my my moma.

Now we're going to play tennis.

1 comment:

  1. Man.. there really is something amazing about St.George isn't there?! Those blue skies and red rocks have me homesick even though I was just there two weeks ago!

    Looks like a great time! Glad you were able to have a sweet weekend!
