Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today I woke up to a dead car. The color of that sentence translates to how I feel about it. I just replaced the battery about four months ago so this was a total surprise. After a jump from my dad, an hour at O'Riley Auto Parts, and another hour and a half at Midas, it turns out the alternator decided yesterday would be it's last day. We're in that weird car period where we are not quite ready to get rid of the car we have but are looking to buy something new not too far off. Looks like we'll be throwing a good amount of money at it and start saving our pennies for something new. Too bad, we finally got Elliott's car up and running. I think the Infiniti got jealous.

On a brighter note, I'm pleased/regret that Elliott finally wrote a post on the blog. Regret because he's a way better writer than I am. I've been trying to get him to post something in this blog for the longest time just for that reason. I think he's way more interesting to read and has a larger vocabulary than I (confabulate? I hope I'm not the only one who had to look up the word just to double check what it meant). Hopefully I can get him to contribute a little more frequently. Cool videos though Elliott.

I've parked my dead car in front of the house and now am at home with little to do except watch LOST (again) or clean. I think cleaning will win, somehow.

New pillow project: I saw something like this online and though I'd try it out for myself.
This weekend brings work, another REAL playoff game, a new alternator, maybe some sewing, and hopefully some good food!

1 comment:

  1. Hey do you do that cool collage thing at the top of your blog? I so want to do that.
