Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Elliott here.

Over the past two years, Beth has gently, but repeatedly, prodded me to contribute to this blog. And I've just said 'no.' Truth is I've meant to many times but felt, as I do now, like an understudy taking the stage for the first time, sure to find a rowdy, unforgiving crowd eager to stone the first imposter.

So, to quell the mob mentality welling up inside all you faithful bethandelliott.blogspot.com followers, I'll make witnessing this stand-in's big debut completely worth it with a few awesome videos from an even more amazing radio show, Radiolab. I have not the words to express my pity for the world's Radiolab virgins. The show is a sonic wonder, an intellectual marvel.

Well, judge for yourself. These little visual morsels are only a taste of the splendor that is Radiolab.

There you have it. Captivating, no? In case you care to hear the actual show, here's one of their shorts:

Oh, and don't believe a thing Beth says. She confabulates. We're looking into getting it diagnosed.

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