Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Smelly Breath

This was today's chat between Elliott and I while we were both at work:
Our combined name before was Belliott, but Smelly Breath is so much better, right?

Halloween weekend was great this year. On Friday I saw Thriller with some friends and on Saturday we went to the Real playoff game (3-0 win for REAL!).

Sunday my teaching partner and I took our Sunbeam (3 & 4 year olds) class at church for a walk. I said to one of the little girls "Look at all the spider decorations on the doors." Her response: "You're a spider." My response "Ok....?"
Last night we went to Nightmare on 13th (haunted house) with the fam and then hung out with friends afterwards and talked about past Halloween costumes.

Just in case there is any confusion I'm casting a spell and Elliott is about to take a bite out of the....zombie?

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