Monday, November 21, 2011

Finger Kisses

Thankful for: 

Beautiful Sunday dinners
Whole Foods
Xmas berries
Utah mountains
Elliott and Nick
Awesome places for walks with Mollie
Our jobs, health, opportunities

The primary class at church I am co teaching is still very entertaining. Two weeks ago we had the primary program where all the kids get up and say a part in front of everybody and then we sing songs. My class (ages 3-4) decided they didn't want to cooperate and made the hour very looong. Some highlights:

C randomly yelling to nobody, "Somebody call the police."
C and S getting in a slap fight.
A complete breakdown by J.
R saying "Mommy" every 5 seconds, literally.
C telling R that if she says mommy one more time..... (obviously annoyed)
"I choose the right by pushing the elevator buttons for my dad"
"I got baptized to be a good example to my Catholic grandma"
S hardly knowing any of the lyrics to the songs except the last word which he would yell out.

Yesterday I spent my time fending off raspberries on my bare leg and kisses on my fingers from J. Sweet.

But I love them, they are the cutest.

That's all.

Oh, and listen to this song.

Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes on Grooveshark

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