Sunday, September 4, 2011


Yesterday we spent all day hiking. We hiked up the back side of Mt. Timpanogos and it was the perfect hiking day. Not too hot, blue skies. Note to future self, don't forget that you love hiking, especially in Utah.

This is one of the glaciers

If you ever want to see the most amazing wild flowers, this is the place. We love Utah summers. Fall temperatures are starting to replace the summer heat. I'm getting excited to turn 24, have canyon BBQs with tin foil dinners cooking on a fire, and fall recipes including curried pumpkin soup and halloween cookies.

I am now a primary teacher at church which means I get so spend 2 hours every Sunday with 3 and 4 year olds. I love it and they have some great things to say. Today we talked about missionaries. When asked who wants to serve a mission, no one in our class raised their hand. My teaching partner asked one of our little girls if she was going to serve a mission. Her response: "Na, I'm going to Disneyland so I'm good." Love it.


  1. Oh, how fun!!! Utah is so pretty! I love all those pictures, the flowers look amazing! And that glacier is insane! That disneyland comment is halarious, I love it! btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH!

  2. Gorgeous wildflowers! Good job to you guys for being so outdoorsy. G and I really need to get out more up here.

    Hope you had a great birthday!
