Thursday, September 1, 2011

Eating Animals

Right now I am applying to graduate schools and having minor anxiety attacks almost every day. I can

I'm currently reading this book and loving it:

Want a well researched objective read about the meat industry? This is it. He also wrote Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. He talks about how the meat industry is set up, how we rely on it, and what needs to change. You learn about the way your meat is brought from factory farm to your table and the quality of life (or lack thereof) of the animals we eat.

This book is not meant convert it's readers to vegetarianism (even though I've heard the research do that anyways), but gives you something to think about and instead makes a case to change the way the meat industry runs.

Whether you think it's important to do something about world hunger, water and land pollution, nutrition, or exploitation of animals, this is a great book.

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