Friday, June 17, 2011

The Story Teller

Who doesn't love a good story? There's just something about kicking back and listening to someone take you into a different world (and this guy has an amazing voice by the way). I miss the days when I was little and my dad would tell me stories before I went to sleep. We've found a decent replacement though. This American Life.


The show is hosted by Ira Glass (who has won multiple awards as an outstanding journalists). This show is amazing. Each show is about an hour long and has a central theme. The hour is broken into multiple acts of different stories from around the world that tie into the main theme.

The stories are truly entertaining and are great for road trips or something to listen to while your doing dishes or have a slow day at work.

You can get them FREE as podcasts off iTunes or they have adopted some of the stories into an actual TV show (available on Netflix). Elliott and I both highly recommend the show. If you think radio is completely boring, this will change your mind fo sho. Elliott wrote a story about it in the Daily Utah Chronicle (the U of U's student paper). Read it here.

Here's one of our favorite episodes:

You can listen to any episode for free on their website as well at

Check it out!

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