Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Two Years?

Monday was our two year anniversary. I asked Elliott if he feels like the time has gone by fast or slow. We both agreed on both. It goes by fast while it's happening, but when we look back it definitly feels like 2 years.

Elliott surpised me with breakfast in bed. I was impressed not only because the breakfeast included french toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit, and oj, but also the fact that he got up at 5:45 and snuck to the store to get the goods. That's why I think my husband is supa cool.

We both worked during the day (interrupted by Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes flavors rootbeer float and red velvet) and met back at home. Presents were exchanged. Elliott got me a new shirt and a new sheet set for our bed and best of all, a NEW pillow! If you lived with us you would know how often I complain about the headaches my old flat pillow gave me. So i'm excitied.

Dinner was orginally planned at probably our favorite restaurant in SLC, Chanon Thai, but we drove by with disappointment when we saw a closed sign. So we zipped over to another one of our favorites, Setabello (authentic pizza).

We finished the night with Friday Night Lights (the tv series) in bed. With our new sheets.

It was a great celebration of 2 years and although I loved the breakfast, presents, and dinner, I feel luckiest to have Elliott the most.

Also, have you seen this music video? I don't even want to know how long it took to do all that chalk. Actually, I do so we can learn how to do it too.

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