Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Adventure is out there!

This weekend we didn't stay at home and do homework, we didn't go to a movie or even watch one at home. We didn't run errands either. We camped.

We have been talking with some friends of our about taking a camping trip within the next few weeks. We just bought a tent and couldn't wait to try it out. We set up plans for last weekend, packed up, and took off. Forecast: 30% chance of rain and snow. We took our chances, and it was well worth it! Not because it didn't rain or snow, because it did. Both.

We took off on Saturday afternoon after I had a meeting with a professor and Elliott went to a breakfast at our ward. Then, we were off! We met our friends who live in Sandy and headed down to Spanish Fork Canyon to hike up to the Fifth Water hot springs. The first thing we see when we pull into the parking lot is a sign that says no overnight camping.... yeah, we didn't that. We pulled our backpacks on our back and headed out to find a spot anyway.

We set up camp and then headed down to the hot springs. They were nice and warm and smelled like eggs. We soaked for a couple of hours and then went back to camp and made dinner. This was followed by a good game of scum and then off to bed.

We figured that it would rain overnight, but in the morning we woke up to this!

We made some oatmeal

Got ready to go

It was so beautiful and peaceful...until we had to take our tent down. Metal poles + gloveless hands = very frozen hands and frustration. Not to mention the log we used to cross the river to our camping spot was now covered in snow and ice. This is pretty much what it looked like the whole time we were taking down our tents:

Our friend Adam taking one for the team and clearing off the log so we could get home:

Throwing gear across the river

Scooting across the log:

Right after I took this picture Elliott almost slid off the log. He was bear hugging the log hanging upside down:

Ready for hot chocolate and a warm car:

This is our first attempt at making some sort of stop motion video. Not great but something to work on:

Even though it snowed, this was one of the best trips we've been on! We can't wait to use our tent all summer.


  1. you guys are whack! snow and camping do not mix in my books.

    we're stoked to camp this summer too. we've been scoping out some killer places. can.not.wait.

  2. Oh Beth, that is crazy!!! I can't believe how much it snowed that night! You and Elliott are hard core campers!

  3. looks like a blast!! you guys are awesome
