Sunday, November 14, 2010


I love all things maple. If you are looking for a yogurt that will change your life, I have just the one for you. It's all natural, made from milk that comes from happy cows that live on happy farms instead of living their lives in small stalls. The brand is Brown Cow yogurt and the flava is maple with cream top. Their other kinds are good too if you're not into maple (crazy). It's full of live active cultures which help you stay regular if you know what I mean. 

Now there is a price difference between this yogurt and something like Yoplait. But let me put in my two cents: It's not full of added sugar, is healthier, and I think it tastes better. And it's only 50 cents more! (Not that I don't enjoy the occasional lemon Yoplait yogurt).
To make it even better, Brown Cow donates 10% of profits to environmental protection efforts so we can continue to enjoy all the amazingly beautiful places around us.
Remember to recycle when you're done!
(Call me a tree hugger, but I don't care, it's important)

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