Monday, January 30, 2012

Sundance Weekend

This past weekend was dominated by the arts. Friday night, I sped home from work (I get off around 7:00) and met the fam at our favorite Sushi place in SLC, Sapa. I usually get the Vegas roll but there is a lemon grass curry noodle dish that will change your life, or at least it will change your mind about curry.

Elliott, sadly, got food poisoning from something he ate earlier that day (pizza or salad...?) and didn't end up eating anything. He actually ended up leaving early because he couldn't stand the smells. We all know that feeling. Horrible.

Elliott braved his nausea and we went to our second Sundance Film of the season, The Other Dream Team. It is a documentary about the Lithuanian Basketball team and integrates Lithuania's journey to independence from the USSR. It was amazing, funny, and totally worth the $15 tickets.

The next morning we had another movie to see in Park City at 8:30 so we got up early, met some friends, and made the drive. This movie, The Comedy, was not as good as the last two we had seen. It was very depressing, so we went and got breakfast afterwards to raise our spirits (Elliott only made it half way through his pancakes). The cinematography was really good though and the topic was very real.

Saturday night we went to a play based on the book, The Screw tape Letters. Elliott had press tickets because they wrote a preview of it. We really enjoyed it which wasn't a surprise, because we both really liked the book. Favorite walk away messages?

"The Devil" or "Satan" (or whatever you want to call it) is most efficient not when he puts things in your mind, but when he keeps things out.

He also talked about the dangers of spiritual pride... once we think we are better than others because of our belief system, we've lost the point of religion all together. Or something like that.

Elliott interviewed the creator of the show. You can read the article here.

After about 5 Gatorades, a few sprites, a lot of water, and some fruit, Elliott's weakened body finally recovered and he was able to enjoy Sunday. We went to church (where one of the 3 year old boys I teach drew a black monster coming out of the ground destroying a temple) and had dinner with all of my aunts and uncles. Salmon, salad, fruit, hot fudge. I got a call from a friend to go and finish our quilts, and so we did. It's almost done (1.5 years later).

This week: new hours at work, U of U basketball game, and I would love to finally go skiing on Saturday.

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