Monday, January 2, 2012

So Far

So far in 2012:

Made Story Ark shirts (remember to post your favorite story on the page), or even on this blog.
Took Mollie to the dog park and took pictures of her funny oversized shadow
Went to church were I was told by a 3 year old that her favorite color is Tinkerbell and that Heavenly Father was in the basement.
Went to breakfast with our friends Angie and Jesus at Blue Plate diner and had some good conversation.
Been lazy
Slept in (which is an extension of being lazy)
Sunday dinner

Not bad for only 2 days?

I'm excited for this year. I'm happy with where we are and what we are doing. Life is so much better when you learn how to balance living in the moment with planning for the future. Our living in the moment for the next few months will include skiing, indoor climbing, trying new vegetarian recipes, learning guitar songs, reapplying to grad school, a kite skiing lesson, and Elliott's tentative scuba diving class.

We don't know where we're going to be in a year, but until that time comes, we're loving SLC and enjoying our family and friends.

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