Wednesday, January 18, 2012


When Elliott is up at the Chronicle working on newspaper stuff, I usually make things. I had seen a tutorial for this penguin on Pintrist a few weeks ago and have been wanting to make them, and so last night, I did. I took a few hours which was longer than I expected, but it was really fun and it turned out super cute. I will be giving them away as future baby gifts for friends who have little chunks on the way.
 Elliott usually names the things I make. He named him Pendergrast.

My mother in law gave us this amaryllis bulb over Thanksgiving. When we got back from St. George on Sunday, it had bloomed! It's so beautiful. Thank you Karen. This makes me want to always have some sort of flower/plants growing my kitchen.

Elliot interviewed a local author for his radio show on Monday. She wrote a book about a local man, Pablo O'Higgins, who moved to Mexico and became a part of the muralist movement. I'd send you to his Wikipedia page but, as you probably know, they are on strike today to oppose the SOPA legislation. It's a pretty cool story and it sounds like he got some great audio. Hopefully the episode will be ready to air in a few weeks. The theme will be running away. Stay tuned.

One of Pablo's pieces:


  1. That penguin is darling!! I might have to hire you out to make Sophie one. She LOVES penguins!! (now, but seriously name your price!) :)

    1. I would be happy to make you one for her! And family members get them for free so..just let me know where you want it sent!
