Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wall/Bunker Christmas Party 2011

We have an annual Christmas party with some close family friends of ours: The Walls and the Bunkers. We get together, have homemade clam chowder in bread bowls with fruit salad, and ice cream with hot fudge. Presents are exchanged and wassail is sipped. The past few years we have been having contests. We've made wrap dolls, gingerbread houses, and this year we had a tacky ornament contest. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of all the ornaments, but here's a break down of some of the tackiness (warning, there is some extreme tackiness):
1. Vegas show girl ornament
2. Santa's taking back Christmas with a stogie ornament
3. The angel Carol ornament (who's wearing shades because her light is so bright)
4. Zipper Stripper ornament (notice the zipper leggings)
5. Bloody tampon ornament (very tasteful)
6. Ghost Adventurers ornament (made by my dad. Notice the little ghost head on the hanger)
7. Overly Jolly Santa ornament
8. Rastafarian ornament
9. Flasher Santa ornament (before exposure)
10. Flasher Santa ornament (after exposure. The sign reads: "I see you when your sleeping")
11&12. The not tacky homemade wassail
Missing: Elliott's Snookie boobs which took 3rd place. I will post a picture of those gems later.

We then put them all on display and had a vote: Pick the 2 tackiest ornaments. And the winner was:
(Which was mine)

Inspiration was taken from this photo: (found here). My favorite are the faces of all the victims:

I was surprised I won because there were some really tacky competitors.

These ornaments were also made but are just beautiful, not so tacky:

This party has been happening for over 24 years and I have loved every minute.

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