Friday, December 16, 2011

The Story Ark/Christmas/Elliott Talk

If you know Elliott, you know how much he loves radio shows.  He is actually working on starting one on his own. It is called the Story Ark ( and he will be broadcasting on KUTE, the local university radio station. If he can figure it out, he will create a podcast too so anyone can listen. He just finished his first short about the mortuary business and will hopefully post it on his blog soon. Meanwhile, he's looking for good stories to possibly have on the show, so if you have one (and I know everybody has at least one), then go to the Facebook page here, give it the thumbs up, and post it on his wall. It can be one you heard from a friend, funny, sad, anything! The person who posts the best story wins a free American Apparel t-shirt.
It's super comfy and if you don't like this one, Elliott will send you one with a unicorn or your choice of mythical creature.

We are totally behind on Christmas this year. We haven't decorated and still have a lot of shopping to do. To add to the lack of Christmas feeling, it still has not snowing here in SLC. We usually have plenty of snow by now. I'll be happy as long as we get it by the 25th and for months after for good skiing.

Elliott and I had a nice conversation in his sleep the other night:

Elliott: "whisper...whisper..whisper" (he said this in a whisper, of course)
Me: What?
Elliott: "How many whispers do you have?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Elliott: "Like, do you have a place mat full?" (accompanied by his hands showing me how big a place mat is)
Me: "I have six."
Elliott: Long pause. "That's enough."

Here's some news: I didn't get accepted to any of the graduate programs I applied to this year so it looks like we'll be in SLC for another year! This is good and bad, but overall it's just fine. I'll be building up my resume while Elliott possibly looks into an internship for next year. Meanwhile, we will be here in SLC enjoying
skiing, family, friends, and hopefully learning some new things (like lead climbing).

1 comment:

  1. Okay that sleep story is hilarious. (whisper whisper..)

    Sorry about not getting into any of the programs. If if learned anything over the years, timing on things is often way out of our hands. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen in due time. (sorry that's so cliche but true.)

    And seriously what's with the weather. I really don't want to complain because it's been SO NICE here too, but I could go for a white Christmas you know?
