Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Post Christmas Pick-Up

First things first: push play on the song below:

Cannons by Youth Lagoon on Grooveshark

Our gifts for family and friends:

The few days after Christmas are always a little weird. After months of build-up, it's all over just like that. We had a great Christmas. My brother was in town from New York with his girlfriend. Our weekend was filled with Ruth's Diner, a lot of movies (Midnight in Paris, Warrior, Christmas movies), Sapo (a newly discovered restaurant), family, a lot of much needed down-time, and no snow.

I made a few things for gifts this year:
Nate left today for NYC and all the festivities are over. I find that some upbeat new music seems to help. Have you heard Coldplay's new album? Mylo Xyloto, and it's awesome. My favorite song: Hurts Like Heaven.

We're really excited for 2012 and we're looking forward to some great things coming our way.

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