Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Verde Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving this year in Camp Verde, AZ with Elliott's side of the family. The weather was beautiful and the company was great. We didn't bring out the camera as much as we intended, we were busy just enjoying the weekend. We rode an old fashioned bike, collected pecan nuts from the trees,  played in the leaves, jumped in the bouncy house, nearly popped the bouncy house, drove around to see christmas lights, visited Elliott's grandma June, signed up for Pintrist, read (a lot. Me: The Help, Elliott: Freedom), made homemade pizza, Michelle-made mexican food, Karen-made ebelskiver, and a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. I finally got to eat at the family favorite restaurant El Charro which I've only been hearing about since I first met Elliott's 6 brothers. Just to give you an idea: the chips and salsa are at every family get together in Arizona and we brought a half gallon home with us in our checked bag.
From top to bottom, left to right: Elliott trying to ride the awesome old fashioned bike, Elliott and Brooke looking for pecans, fall colors, the picture perfect orange picked from June's tree, christmas lights, niece Brooke, nephew Jack. Repeat.

Other note-worthy news: Elliott shaved his "winter beard that never makes it trough winter", beard.

It was a great long weekend, now it's back to work and getting ready for the next holiday. I'll be looking for great holiday recipes and DIY projects on Pintrist.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great holiday guys! I'm dying at how big Jack and Brookie are! Crazy!
