Thursday, October 27, 2011


The past few weeks I have felt like the luckiest girl. All summer I was stressing out about grad school apps, what happens if I don't get in, and what the future holds. What did it get me? Grey hairs! Yes, that's right, I have a few of them. So I decided I was done with the stress. It does not do me any good, wears me out, and takes my focus away from all of the good things I have going. This has really helped me live in the moment and even though I should hear about my applications any day now, I'm less stressed and just enjoying all the great things I have in life right now.

Things that are making me incredibly happy:

1. Pug falling asleep in the cutest positions possible  2. Finding a perfect climbing tree 3. Elliott taking Mollie to the dog park while we were out of town  4. Cupcakes from Sweet Tooth Fairy (nutella crepe and pumpkin chocolate with cream cheese frosting) 5. Pictures of Mollie by Elliott 6. Fall colors
Although I have no idea where we'll be in a year, I'm happy I live in a beautiful city where I get to do all the things I love, I'm happy ski season is just around the corner, I'm happy I have such a great family, I'm grateful for my health, I'm really grateful I have a job, and I love watching favorite my t.v. shows with Elliott.

1 comment:

  1. Great montage of pictures! I'm excited to see where you two will end up too!
