Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Adventures In Napping

Isn't it nice sometimes when your roommates take a nap? All of the sudden, especially with accidental naps, it's quiet and you have this free time and get to do whatever you want? My roommate is napping right now and so I am playing with our camera and blogging. I still feel completely overwhelmed by this camera of ours because I still don't know how to do much more than turn it on, focus, and look at pictures (all of my pictures are taken on auto).

Our garden has proven itself over these past few months. I am proud! Although we did not get any cucumbers or spicy peppers, we got a lot of the other stuff. The lettuce and onions have been stripped and we are now enjoying handfuls of tomatoes. Correction, I am enjoying handfuls of tomatoes (elliott can't stand them...that's too bad....). This past week our garden has pooped out a few surprises too! We thought our squash and honeydew mellon plants were only going to grow leaves, but we have one squash and two melons coming in. They better do their growing fast.

And I found more pictures from the Baltimore Aquarium. Yes....more pictures. They just keep popping up. Check out the turtle with the wicked long next and the shark with all those teeth.

Tonight I'm visiting the 80's as my dad is taking us to the Erasure concert. 80's music is his one true love and so we're going to support him...and watch him play his air guitar.

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