Friday, June 24, 2011


Salt Lake, we forgive you for skipping spring this year and replacing it with rain/snow storms. Why? Because now the weather has been great and everything is so green. We had an incredibly wet spring (if you would even call it a spring) and now it's sunny but it's still not too hot.

Salt Lake has amazing garden shops. I went with my momma to one this weekend: Cactus and Tropicals.

This place has it all: trees, flower baskets, bushes, water fountains, a coy pond, gifts, and friendly workers.

Huge coy! ^

Nick and I took Mollie to Sugarhouse park last weekend. We wanted to try to get Mollie in the water  (she's afraid...she even avoids walking by sprinklers). We slowly dipped her feet in... and then she started getting in on her own. She really wants those ducks!

In about an hour, we are taking off to go up to Logan for the MS bike ride (same one we did last year). For everyone who donated this year, you are amazing! Seriously, we have such a great support group of family and friends. We are camping tonight at the campsite and then getting up for the ride which starts at 7. We are way excited. I'm only doing the 40 mile ride this year but Elliott's going to upgrade and attempt the 100. Wish us him luck.

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