Friday, May 6, 2011


We are now U o U alumni! It's weird that only two days ago I was sitting in the library jamming for my physics final, and now we are college graduates. We went to three separate ceremonies yesterday and today: college of health (beth)  last night, university commencement this morning, and college of humanities (elliott) this afternoon. 3 ceremonies= a lot of pictures of people in robes.

I gave my stole of gratitude to my mom (and dad who was at work during this picture). Thank you guys for all you do. I don't know how anyone could have better parents.

Our speaker at commencement was Mitch Albom who wrote Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People you meet in heaven. He was actually a really great speaker. If you haven't read any of his books, I highly suggest them.

The rest of today was spent catching up with Elliott's parents and brother Graham, who are in town this weekend. We had a graduation party tonight so we BBQ'd in our backyard and enjoyed the spring weather that finally decided to show up in SLC.

Even though we're both taking a few summer classes, it feels great to be done with semesters full of endless homework. We've both loved the U and it will be sad to leave, whenever that is. We'll both be taking a few classes in the future, but most of the work is done.

Now? Time for summer