Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I hate you Physics

Alright people, Elliott and I have officially past the slob threshold. You know that point of the week I've talked about were all the dishes are sitting comfortably in the sink and you're eating breakfast out of a tupperware with a probably dirty spon? Yeah, we passed that at the end of last week. We're going on week two now. No clean dishes, no food. Don't judge.

When a 12 hour day at school (going on 12 and 1/2) slaps you in the face (like today), There's only two things to do:

1. Give in and fall asleep on your homework


2. Power through it to finish your last semester without regrets

Today, I chose #2, but that's not to say I'm not guilty of #1 every now and then.

Elliott just picked me up from school after his night class, I'm now home with a plate of taquitos and gearing up for more homework.

The best thing that came out of this day? A 100% on my physics test. 

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