Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm sure we all grew up hearing different  lullabies from our parents. I don't know where my parents got theirs, but I loved them.  They mostly were sung to me by my mom, my dad was the story teller. The stories usually involved giants and other mythical creatures that my best friends and I would encounter. We would go off and spend all day in these magical lands but we would always be home for dinner. I loved those stories with all my heart. I also loved the songs my mom sang to me. One was titled keep your sunny-side up but I've forgotten all the words over the years. My favorite though I still remember. I've never known the title until now but it's my favorite song of all time. Up until this moment I thought the verses I knew were the whole song. Just now, however, I searched for the lyrics to try and find who wrote it and found that there's more to the song.

If I could write a song
Neil Sedaka/Howard Greenfield

If I could write a song and get the world to sing along
think of all the music there would be.
The earth would start to ring and everyone would sing
a song of peace and love and harmony.
Millions of voices, singing together what a happy sound,
and just to think, that it's my music
that makes the world go round.

I'd be number one and I'd never need a gun,
I would do it with a melody.
If I could write a song and get the world to sing along,
How wonderful the world would be.

If I could write a song and get the world to sing along
think of all the music there would be.
The earth would start to ring and everyone would sing
a song of peace and love and harmony.
Millions of voices, singing together what a happy sound,
and just to think, that it's my music
that makes the world go round.

People feeling sad without a reason to be glad.
I could do it with a melody.
If I could write a song and get the world to sing along,
how wonderful the world would be.
How wonderful the world would be.

I have to admit I changed some of the words slightly to keep with how it was sung to me. I'm a nostalgic person. I only knew versus one, three, and four. Anyway, I always knew that I wanted to sing this to my children while they fall asleep, and I will. Every one of them, but I found an addition tonight. This cute blog shows the story of an amazing family. The parents barely survived a plane crash in Arizona and suffered burns but have recovered and they have the cutest family. Her latest post quotes this song and she writes a love story to her little boy who sings this song to her. I immediately fell in love. The original belong to Wilco but there is an amazing alternate version sung by Ryan Tanner. (Listen to it here)

Go back to sleep now
My darlin
And I'll keep all the bad dreams away
Breathe now, think sweet things
And I'll think of all the right words to say

Because we made you
My darlin
With the love in each of our hearts
We were a family, my darlin
Right from the start

Grow up now
My darlin
Please don't you grow up too fast
And be sure, darlin
To make all the good times last

Because we made you
My darlin
With the love in each of our hearts
We were a family, my darlin
Right from the start 

I'm sure some of you Wilco enthusiasts know of this song but it's news to me. I guess we better start working on our singing voices.

Thanks mom and dad for all the magical bedtimes!

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