Saturday, December 11, 2010

Weekend Shinanigans

Elliott is now school free for the next four weeks! I still have finals next week but it's such a relief even having classes done and over with (no more physics homeworks...the best part).

Today is a christmasy day (I don't think christmasy is a word). We picked up a mini tree at smiths this morning and decorated it. We did the whole big tree thing last year and it was a giant mess. It was nice which it stayed alive but when we finally got it out the door, there were barely any needles left. The rest were on our floor. So we're going college style with the mini. Today when I was picking it up I even had some old lady say, "That's a nice little tree. You're a college student aren't you?" I laughed and just said yes. 

We just finished decorating it which only took about 20 minutes and we love it! We threw some cool fabric around the bottom for a quick tree skirt:

And the sock monkey project is still going!

Even though TCU embarrassed the U at the football game last month, it was still fun (well, leading up to the game). Nick and Elliott went to College Game Day and made signs, which we stayed up until 2 in the morning making:

(The TCU quarterback is a red head)

At the beginning of the game when the stadium was still full
^This lady is the best part of any Utah football game. She goes over to the section right across from the MUSS (mighty utah student section) and does a dance between the 3rd and 4th quarter. It's the same dance each time to a song that the band plays. This is her, mid dance. Everyone calls her crazy lady and the MUSS chants 'crazy lazy' right before she starts to dance.

And this was when Utah beat BYU (blocking their field-goal to win the game).

And that's what we've been up to. Happy weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Your decorations look great, and I am loving all the sock monkeys! Let's make more together!
