Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Today, I am grateful for Elliott. I am grateful for him every day but it's nice to let someone know every once in a while.

This semester, Elliott worked full time and went to school full time. He left the house as early as 7:15 and sometimes didn't get home until 9 or 10 that night.

With this busy schedule, he still manages to help neighbors move, hold a calling at church, and do the dishes.

Thank you El for working as hard as you do, I am grateful every day! You deserve everything good that comes your way and I'd do anything for you.

Thank you for all the fun in the past 2 1/2 years since I've met you. I always look back to when we were getting to know each other and the stories I'll never forget. Like when we were driving back on transport and talked about the C3X's or our first date when I beat you in Battleship followed by a four hour talk. Even though it took you a while to muster up the courage to ask me out, I'm sure glad you did.
Look at us now!                     Lub you
(Missed you forever)

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